Bollfilter Ballast Water Filter aquaBoll BWT

Bollfilter Ballast Water Filter aquaBoll BWT

代码: aquaBoll BWT
品牌: Bollfilter
Flange Connection
DN 80 - DN 600 / 3" - 24"
Automatic self-cleaning pre-filtration of sea-water, for the protection of ballast water treatment systems
Filter element
special plated basket with mesh made of super duplex
Grade of filtration
20 µm and 25 µm
further filtration fineness on request
Backflushing medium
internal medium
Pressure stage
PN 10
Filter housing
Cast iron with internal rubber lining
Filter designed for the needs of Ballast Water treatment systems

Bollfilter 资料表

国家与语言 文件名 下载链接
United States (English) Bollfilter-EN_42633.pdf 下载
